
今週の写真 [写真 カメラ 散歩]

先週は忙しくて土日も仕事、文化の日も仕事、その前の日曜はお葬式でつぶれ、今週は久々のお休みで、先輩と紅葉撮りにバイクで出かけてきました^ ^
なのに目的の紅葉は、今年は今一つよろしくありませんでしたね、、、 残念ながら良い写真は撮れませんでした。。。
で、それに伴い、先日スクーターのホーンを交換しました。 ノーマルってほんとしょぼい音で、しかも音が小さく聞こえません、、、 ここで止るよ!って合図でホーン鳴らしても、先輩気づかずどんどん先に行ってしまうんです(汗
名前からして、なんか残響音が残るような?いい音を期待してましたが、これまたショボい[バッド(下向き矢印)] おまけにスクーターはカウルの中なので、音がこもりますます変な音。。。
115dbの音は剥き出しで付けてるし迫力満点^ ^ これならうるさいバイクの先輩でも合図に気づいてくれるでしょう~

では今週の写真^ ^

記事で書いたことありますね^ ^ モノ撮りしました^ ^


旧家の立派な門にかかった暖簾、向いの蔵も味がありました^ ^

先週動画もupしましたが、写真ではこれが1番のショット^ ^


理科室の人体模型ですね^ ^

黄色に色着いたダンコウバイとモミジです^ ^

ビシャモンです^ ^ 分かる人はいるかな?

いつもは給食の献立表とか押さえてます^ ^

使い込んだ道具はモノトーンが合いますね^ ^


そこに婆ちゃんの虫眼鏡があったから^ ^

今回のテーマは財布でした^ ^ 僕はこれupしましたが、財布よりお札の反応が大きい、、、w

先輩のApeのタイヤ交換しますた^ ^

最近影遊びしてないので、再upで出しました^ ^





nice!(30)  コメント(44)  トラックバック(0) 

nice! 30

コメント 44


by hi−ragi (2011-11-27 20:19) 


by pn (2011-11-27 20:33) 


by tsun (2011-11-27 21:35) 


by HOTCOOL (2011-11-28 07:56) 


by ルシファー (2011-11-28 18:27) 


by asteroid (2011-11-30 18:28) 


by ぜふ (2011-12-05 00:00) 


hi-ragiさん ありがとうございます^ ^ 今年も残すとこ、1ヶ月切りましたね、、、ほんと1年早いですよ~

pnさん フォト蔵にupするようになったら仲良くしようね^ ^

tsunさん アルファホーン、車にも付けるんですよ、やっぱあれは間違えないですね^ ^ tsunさんも風邪ひかないで自転車楽しんでくださいね^ ^

HOTCOOLさん ありがとうございます^ ^ HOTCOOLさんもそのうちフォト蔵始めてください^ ^ いろんな方の写真を拝見するのが、腕をあげる近道です^ ^

ルシファーさん ありがとうございます^ ^ 虫眼鏡、意外と面白い写真撮れますよ^ ^

asteroidさん ありがとうございます^ ^ 僕もasteroidさんの写真はこちらに見に来ます^ ^

ぜふさん すみません、リンク切れじゃなく、重くて見れない事あるんです^_^;
by やまべぇ (2011-12-07 20:53) 


by hayazou2002 (2011-12-08 00:02) 


by pn (2012-01-01 09:09) 


旧年中はありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
by しげさん (2012-01-01 19:46) 



by すずらん (2012-01-03 07:45) 


hayazou2002さん 遅くなりましたがありがとうございます^ ^

pnさん 新年おめでと^ ^ 再開・・・う~む未定です(>_<)
でも前に頼んだドクロのホルダーは有効でお願いしますよ~^ ^

しげさん 新年おめでとございます^ ^ 楽しくお正月過ごされてますか? 良い年になりますように^ ^

すずらんさん あけましておめでとうございます^ ^
はい、たまに覗かせていただきます^ ^
by やまべぇ (2012-01-03 21:17) 


能面師 高津紘一先生が お亡くなりになり、その追悼音楽ブログを掲載いたしました。先生の打たれた面を2面掲載しております。よろしければ、ご覧ください。

by 般若坊 (2012-03-02 09:24) 


by ポン (2012-11-27 12:03) 


ポンさん そう、蘭マッスルです~(笑
by やまべぇ (2012-12-27 18:47) 

ウェスポーランド 小畠

なんとなくやまべぇ やまべぇ様












株式会社ウェスポーランド 小畠

by ウェスポーランド 小畠 (2013-01-21 11:30) 


by ポン (2013-01-28 00:14) 


ポンさん 仕事も忙しく、一昨年は地震とかもあってトレ断念したり(大きな被害があったとかじゃなく)してたけど、今年の頭からまた再開してがんばってますよ^_^

by 蘭マッスル (2013-02-16 10:33) 


by ポン (2014-01-12 10:55) 


by ポン (2014-01-12 10:57) 


ポンさん あっちはまだやってます^_^
by 蘭マッスル (2014-03-31 15:28) 


Get up tо $ 20,000 рer dау with оur рrоgram.
We are a team оf еxpеrienсеd prоgrammers, wоrked mоre than 14 months on this program аnd now еverуthing is ready аnd everything wоrks рerfесtly. Thе РaуРal system is verу vulnеrablе, instеad of nоtifуing the dеvеlоpers of РaуРal about this vulnеrаbility, wе toоk advantage оf it. We аctivelу usе our prоgrаm for рersonаl enrichmеnt, to show hugе аmounts оf moneу оn оur асcounts, wе will not. yоu will nоt bеliеvе until уou trу аnd аs it is nоt in our intеrеst tо prоve to you thаt somеthing is in уours. When we realized thаt this vulnеrаbilitу cаn be usеd massively withоut сonsequеnсes, we deсided to hеlр thе rest of thе pеoplе. We deсidеd not to inflate thе рricе оf this gold program аnd рut а verу low рrice tag, only $ 550. In оrdеr fоr this progrаm tо be availаblе tо а lаrgе number of рeорle.
Аll the dеtails оn оur blog:
by Josephcum (2018-07-17 12:17) 


Hеllо! I'll tell you my method with all thе dеtails, аs I startеd еаrning in thе Internеt from $ 3,500 реr dаy with the hеlp of sоcial netwоrks reddit and twitter. In this vidео you will find morе dеtаilеd informatiоn and also sеe how manу milliоns hаvе earnеd thosе who have beеn working for a уeаr using mу method. I spесifiсally mаdе a video in this cарacity. Аfter buуing mу methоd, you will undеrstand why:
by Thomasattef (2018-07-26 01:44) 


Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.

Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019.
Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements:
+ abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam
+ tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam
+ Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam
+ complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever
+ for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.

Do you want this?

If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

How do I do all this to get this result:
1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people.
And everyone will not care that it is not you.
2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address and your contact details.
And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site.
3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site
After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life.
Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently.

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life.
If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019.
The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well.
But get a reputation as a malicious spammer.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
by Joshuahic (2019-05-27 05:23) 


Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.

Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019.
Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements:
+ abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam
+ tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam
+ Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam
+ complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever
+ for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.

Do you want this?

If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

How do I do all this to get this result:
1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people.
And everyone will not care that it is not you.
2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address and your contact details.
And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site.
3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site
After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life.
Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently.

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life.
If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019.
The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well.
But get a reputation as a malicious spammer.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
by Melvinnam (2019-05-27 05:23) 


Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.

Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019.
Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements:
+ abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam
+ tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam
+ Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam
+ complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever
+ for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.

Do you want this?

If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

How do I do all this to get this result:
1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people.
And everyone will not care that it is not you.
2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address and your contact details.
And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site.
3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site
After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life.
Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently.

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life.
If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019.
The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well.
But get a reputation as a malicious spammer.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
by Shawnboown (2019-05-27 05:23) 


Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.

Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019.
Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements:
+ abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam
+ tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam
+ Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam
+ complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever
+ for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.

Do you want this?

If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

How do I do all this to get this result:
1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people.
And everyone will not care that it is not you.
2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address and your contact details.
And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site.
3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site
After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life.
Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently.

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life.
If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019.
The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well.
But get a reputation as a malicious spammer.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
by WilliamKet (2019-05-27 05:23) 


Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.

Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019.
Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements:
+ abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam
+ tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam
+ Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam
+ complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever
+ for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.

Do you want this?

If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

How do I do all this to get this result:
1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people.
And everyone will not care that it is not you.
2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address and your contact details.
And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site.
3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site
After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life.
Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently.

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life.
If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019.
The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well.
But get a reputation as a malicious spammer.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
by Richieslics (2019-05-27 05:50) 


Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.

Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019.
Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements:
+ abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam
+ tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam
+ Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam
+ complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever
+ for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.

Do you want this?

If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

How do I do all this to get this result:
1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people.
And everyone will not care that it is not you.
2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address and your contact details.
And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site.
3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site
After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life.
Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently.

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life.
If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019.
The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well.
But get a reputation as a malicious spammer.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
by BrandonTrort (2019-05-27 05:50) 


Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.

Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019.
Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements:
+ abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam
+ tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam
+ lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam
+ Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam
+ complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever
+ for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.

Do you want this?

If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL

How do I do all this to get this result:
1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people.
And everyone will not care that it is not you.
2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address and your contact details.
And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site.
3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site
After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life.
Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently.

All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life.
If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019.
The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC.
Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well.
But get a reputation as a malicious spammer.

My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL
by PatrickPebra (2019-05-27 06:33) 




管理人様が悔い改めたら、島谷ひとみさんに、キリストを伝えてください。島谷さんがクリスチャンになった後、永遠にイエス様を賛美していただければよいのですが、フレームも忘れないでくれたら嬉しいです。島谷さんの曲で、一番好きな曲ですから。特に「もしも歩き疲れて 立ち止まるなら 恵みの雨でも二人で 待てばいいから」が好きです。クリスチャンソングメドレーを歌う時は、フレームも追加してくれたら嬉しいです。島谷さんが地上でフレームを歌う時に、もしも僕が神の国にいたら、地上に降りて聞きにきてもいいでしょうか。
by 大嶋昌治 (2020-04-18 05:54) 


Bitcoin Makes People Rich And You Can Be The Next

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Amazon currently has over 300 million people using their site. That’s a MASSIVE marketplace to sell to.
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One of the best ways for students to earn money quickly is to take paid online surveys. There are plenty of legitimate survey companies or sites that will let you create an account with their sites. If you fit the demographic that a survey is targeting, you will most likely qualify to take that survey.
Rosemarie Groner of Busy Budgeter earned over $58k in January from selling two short informational guides and a personal finance workbook. (Note: she did spend a lot of money on Facebook advertising to reach that level but that is NOT necessary when you’re just getting started.) Greg Jeffries earned over $30k in one year by creating online courses. He also shares where you can sell those courses.
All in all, PrizeRebel is definitely worth a try. It’s easy to get into and has many fun activities to do. Plus, you can earn a few bucks in the process!

by Cedriched (2020-06-30 04:03) 


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Landscape Archaeology is a bridge between archaeology and environmental sciences though many consider it an environmental science in its own right. It is the study of how people in the past exploited and changed the environment around them. Typically, this will involve examining spores and pollen to examine when land was cleared of scrub and trees in the Neolithic Revolution to make way for crops. It also makes use of phytoliths, entomological remains, GIS (digital mapping), soil sampling, bone analyses, ground penetrating radar, and map studies and other documentary data. It has been fundamental, especially in Europe, to demonstrating how landscapes are relics and monuments in themselves and are worthy of study as such. Returning to the example of the Vikings in Greenland above, the extended study and dating of the faunal remains shows distinct changes that were made by the Vikings. The studies show the approximate date of arrival of European livestock and crops (13) and when these finally disappeared from the record (17) . Studies such as this are fundamental to determining not just how the environment has changed thanks to human manipulation, but also to natural changes due to fluctuations in the environment and climate.
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Молодые люди от 18 до 21 лет обычно даже при официальном трудоустройстве имеют довольно скромный доход и небольшой стаж. Поэтому они могут рассчитывать на потребительский кредит сроком до 5 лет и суммой до 1 миллиона рублей. Да и то при условии, что имеют статус зарплатных клиентов банка либо привлекают поручителей.
Ставка – 0,6%/0,5% Первоначальный взнос от 20% Срок – 6/12 месяцев.
Суть программы в том, что ставка по кредиту может быть всего 2% годовых. А если сохранить 90% штата, то весь долг списывают — возвращать деньги вообще не придется. На таких условиях можно взять не сколько угодно денег, а с ограничением — исходя из численности работников на 1 июня. Если планировали сохранять или возобновлять бизнес после ограничений, самое время подготовиться.
Очень часто люди обращают внимание только на условия, которые описаны в яркой рекламе – минимальные ставки, большие суммы и т.д. Но стоит помнить, что минимальную % можно получить только при определенных условиях, например, при выборе короткого срока возврата. И если процент составляет от 12% до 27%, то вовсе не факт, что вам одобрят именно 12%, могут и все 27%.
Не самые высокие ставки процента у Уральского Банка Реконструкции и Развития, где минимальная кредитная ставка равна 14%, при условии автомобиля или квартиры в залоге.
Как защититься от коллекторов, если сын берет кредиты и прописан в твоей квартире?
Взятие кредита в Сбербанке и любом другом финансовом учреждении не обходится без предложения оформить страховой полис. Подобная услуга хоть и не является обязательной, но существенно влияет на процентную ставку заема. Если банку это выгодно по многим параметрам, то клиенту придется значительно переплачивать. Поэтому многих потенциальных заемщиков волнует вопрос, как избежать навязывания всевозможных дополнительных банковских услуг, в том числе и страхования.
Посетите отделение банка, взяв с собой паспорт и кредитный договор. На основании этих документов кредитный специалист Сбербанка сообщит вам детальную информацию о вашей задолженности. Далее вы сможете внести необходимую сумму или вовсе закрыть кредит.
Девайсы с множеством функций, сенсорными панелями в сжатые сроки будут доставлены к дому заказчика, займ которого не сопровождается процентами. Магазин дает гарантию на фиксированную цену продукции, которая не меняется с момента подписания кредитного соглашения.
Если вы хотите получить средства максимально быстро в пенсионном возрасте, то описанный выше способ – это ваш вариант. Банк почта России — взять кредит для пенсионеров (отзывы говорят сами за себя) возможно быстро и беспроблемно.
В некоторых случаях транзакция занимает вплоть до пяти рабочих дней. Заранее переводите деньги на кредитный счёт, чтобы избежать просрочки и оплаты неустойки.
Еще несколько лет назад раздел кредитного долга при разводе доставлял массу хлопот участвующим сторонам. Даже если он оформлялся одним из супругов, автоматически считался совместной собственностью. Это значит, что после расставания муж и жена обязаны были возвращать его в одинаковых долях (ст.39 СК РФ). В последние же годы наметилась иная тенденция. Теперь все чаще за такие кредиты каждый несет индивидуальную ответственность после расторжения брака. Рассмотрим этот вопрос более подробно.
линия кредитования – до 200 000 рублей; проценты, начисляемые на сумму задолженности – от 24.9% до 45%; представление кредита без % – 55 дней; обслуживание – бесплатно; вывод кредитных средств – комиссия 2.9% + 290 р. Лимит устанавливается банком в размере до 100% от суммы кредита.
Если вам вдруг захочется взять ипотеку на квартиру со вторичного рынка жилья, имейте в виду, что у банка может и не оказаться в резерве отведенной для этого суммы.
Если говорить о ВТБ Банке, то здесь есть также ряд льготных проектов:

by GeorgeMyday (2020-07-12 05:30) 


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Кредиты наличными бeз спрaвoк: гдe получить заём:

Оформить заявку на получение денег можно в любое время суток, даже ночью. Все, что для этого нужно — мобильный телефон или компьютер с интернет подключением. Большинство компаний рассматривает заявку без участия человека, позволяя оформить кредит с автоматическим решением. Однако штрафные санкции, а также размер начисляемых процентов по истечению срока возврата микрокредита должны быть прописаны в договоре – внимательно прочтите его перед подписанием. Лучше воспользоваться услугой продления займа и не допускать просрочек, в этом случае штрафы и неустойки выплачивать не придется, не пострадает и кредитная история.
успешно реализовать намеченные планы при отсутствии собственных сбережений; получить деньги в долг под умеренные проценты с адекватной переплатой; самостоятельно принять решение о необходимости оформления страховки; в сжатые сроки взять желанную ссуду с минимальными усилиями; постепенно погасить заем небольшими регулярными платежами.
Если есть дорогая машина, а кредитная история не очень хорошая, можно обратиться в специализирующиеся на залоговом кредитовании структуры – автоломбарды. Работают они по схеме привычных ломбардов, то есть клиент передает им залог, а на руки получает деньги под определенные проценты. В конце срока действия договора нужно вернуть ссуду и забрать свой автомобиль. Если этого не сделать, штрафов и других санкций нет, но права собственности на залог переходят к ломбарду.
Преимущество этих трех банков не только в дистанционном оформлении заявки на кредит, но и в быстром обслуживании. Это позволяет распоряжаться деньгами в день обращения, что актуально в многодетных семьях, где одна из главных статей расхода — это лекарства, которые могут понадобиться срочно.
Выбор структуры, в которую решено обратиться с учетом состояния КИ. Выбор подходящей программы. Изучите условия в деталях. Заполнение заявки. Это удастся сделать на сайте или в отделении (офисе). Анкета, которую предложат заполнить, стандартная для всех способов. Внесение информации в нее позволяет банку дать первичную оценку клиента и принять предварительное решение. Предоставление пакета документов. Ожидание решения. Это занимает до 5 дней, в зависимости от банка и полноты предоставленного пакета бумаг. Такой период необходим для доскональной проверки заемщика.
После подачи заявления будет проведено слушанье, где суд должен будет установить все обстоятельства данного дела. Важным критерием при разделе кредитных обязательств в этой ситуации является факт того, что заёмные средства были потрачены, обоюдно или на нужды семьи.
Сегодня многим потенциальным заемщикам отказывают ещё на этапе рассмотрения заявки. Многие банки, желая сократить уровень риска, принимают отрицательное решение при малейшем подозрении, что заявитель – неблагонадежный заемщик.
Найдено 24 — кредиты наличными по паспорту в Ростове-на-Дону.
Клиенты с плохой кредитной историей не всегда получают одобрение по своей заявке, но это единичные случаи. В большинстве же случаев, даже с плохой ки можно рассчитывать на одобрение заявки. Необходимо открыть список МФО без отказа, после чего обратиться в одну из организаций. Там понимают, что у вас есть проблемы с кредитами в других организациях, поэтому выдают небольшие суммы в первых заявках, но дальше суммы займов увеличиваются, а кредитная история улучшается.
В случае, когда заемщик нацелен на ипотеку, ему следует знать, что одобренная сумма может быть реализована только на приобретение жилого объекта на территории инвестора.
Одно из условий получение займа – соответствие требований банковского учреждения.
Трябва да имате навършени 18г., да живеете в България, да имате постоянни доходи, мобилен телефон и имейл адрес.
Укажите целью получения валютного кредита покупку домашней техники либо других продуктов. Предоставьте справку о доходах.
Банкам перекредитование, как правило, выгодно. Если вы перекредитуетесь в стороннем кредитном учреждении, то это позволит этому учреждению получить прибыль за счёт других банков. И даже если вы оформляете рефинансирование в том же месте, где брали основной кредит, то учреждение повышает шанс того, что вы выплатите свою задолженность, а в итоге всё равно получит приблизительно такую же сумму, пусть и в более продолжительный период времени.
Займы для населения представлены двумя линиями – «Наличными» и «Рефинансирование».
by Eddieavash (2020-07-13 19:22) 



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